Prevention Programs

YES Community Counseling Centers prevention programs are provided through NYS OASAS funding for elementary, middle and high school students both on school grounds and at the agency. Programs include evidenced based prevention interventions and curriculum driven programs. YES staff also provides a School Social Work Program, please contact YES for more information.
Too Good For Drugs After School Program
Skill development is at the core of Too Good for Drugs, a universal K-12 prevention education program designed to mitigate the risk factors and enhance protective factors related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) use. The lessons introduce and develop skills for making healthy choices, building positive friendships, developing self-efficacy, communicating effectively, and resisting peer pressure and influence.
Too Good for Drugs teaches five essential character development skills, which research has linked with healthy development and academic success:
Setting Reachable Goals
Making Responsible Decisions
Bonding with Pro-Social Others
Identifying and Managing Emotions
Communicating Effectively
Too Good for Drugs Program (k-12)
Too Good is a comprehensive family of substance use and violence prevention curricula designed build protection within the child to mitigate the risk factors associated with risky behavior. Too Good develops a framework of social skills to establish and promote setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, communicate effectively, identify and manage emotions, and bond with pro-social peers in addition to peer pressure refusal, problem solving, conflict resolution, and media literacy. Too Good builds the basis for a safe, supportive, and respectful learning environment.
PreVenture Program
An evidence-based prevention program that uses personality type targeted interventions to promote mental health and delay youth substance use. PreVenture can be implemented in a two session workshop forum one week apart for 90 minutes or it can be broken down into 3-4 sessions in a classroom setting. This is an interactive program that incorporates motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy to help youth better understand and manage the aspects of their personalities associated with risky behaviors and substance use.
Teen Intervene
Teen Intervene is an early intervention program targeting 12 to 19-year-olds who display the early stages of alcohol or drug use problems (e.g., using or possessing drugs during school) but do not use these substances daily or demonstrate substance dependence. Integrating stages of change theory, motivational enhancement, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, this intervention aims to help teens reduce and ultimately eliminate their alcohol and other drug use. It is a three-session model (parents are invited to join the third session to address issues as family) designed as a comprehensive screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) model of care.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment: is an evidence-based approach to identifying patients who use alcohol and other drugs at risky levels. The goal of SBIRT is to reduce and prevent related health consequences, disease, accidents and injuries.
SSET Program
Support for Students Exposed to Trauma (SSET) is a school-based group intervention for students who have been exposed to traumatic events and are suffering from symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). YES provides this program for middle school and high school students utilizing a Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Approach.